5 Stars!!! Source: Audible and Target
Brief Synopsis: A new "life form" is discovered hovering around Venus and it's hungry--for the sun's energy! Scientists quickly realize that Earth doesn't have long before the temperature cools to a point where food production will cease and humans will die. A last ditch effort sends a team deep into space to hopefully come up with an answer to save Earth. Middle school science teacher Ryland Grace is on that team--his discoveries will change the the course of history for Earth and maybe some other planets as well.
Thoughts: Oh man, I really loved this book! Be prepared, the science stuff, while written with the layman in mind, is pretty heavy. However, Weir is the master at mixing intense science babble with very human, relatable characters so that it's palatable and entertaining. I mostly listened to this, but for the times I was too inpatient to wait until my next car ride, I ended up buying the book, too. I would recommend audio as the way to go because there is a certain character that (I believe) must be presented in an audio fashion--trying to recreate it on the page is just not the same. This character, by the way, just might be my favorite ever created--I can't say more without revealing big spoilers but Rocky is the king.